29/01/2023   Milazzo (ITA): Victories of He Xianghong and Alexandrina Mihai in 20km


Below you'll find a short report of the other events held in Milazzo and valid for the Italian Clubs Championships


20km women


Immediately goes to lead Alexandrina Mihai (1st lap: 4:49 - 2nd lap: 9:43). After two laps the advantage on the second atlete is of 14 second. 

The race for the victory is finished.


- 5km


Alexandrina Mihai (ITA) leads in 24:02

Second position to Vittoria Di Dato (ITA) in 24:42

Third position to Giulia Miconi (ITA) in 25:03


- 10km


Alexandrina Mihai (ITA) leads in 47:53 (second 5km in 23:51)

Second position to Vittoria Di Dato (ITA) in 49:43 (second 5km in 25:01)

Third position to Giulia Miconi (ITA) in 49:51 (second 5km in 24:48)


- 15km


Alexandrina Mihai (ITA) leads in 1:11.45 (third 5km in 23:52)

Second position to Vittoria Di Dato (ITA) in 1:14:36 (third 5km in 24:53)

Third position to Giulia Miconi (ITA) in 1:14:48 (third 5km in 24:47)


- last 5km


Victory of Alexandrina Mihai (ITA) in 1:35:51 (last 5km in 23:36)

Second place to Vittoria Di Dato (ITA) in 1:39:58 (last 5km in 25:22)

Third position to Giulia Miconi (ITA) in 1:40:43 (last 5km in 25:55)



20km men



The battle between the two athletes from China (He Xianghong, specialist of the 35km, and Wang Kaihua) and the Italian Andrea Cosi was beautiful.

The three started a very interesting battle.
- at 5km
Lead the race He Xianghong in 22:20 with Andrea Cosi alongside. Behind them Wang Kaihua (20:31) and Marc Tur (20:31) and still behind Alvaro Lopez Nunez (20:42) and Niu Wenchao (21:24)
- at 10km
Andrea Cosi took the lead in 40:56 (second 5km in 20:26).
Followed by Wang Kaihua (40:57), He Xianghong (40:57), Marc Tur (40:57). Also for them the second 5km was covered in 20:26.
Behind them Alvaro Lopez Nunez (41:36) and Niu Wenchao (43:09) who will then stop at 10km
Zhaxi Yangben, another 35km and 50km specialist, comes forward, passing in 43:06 in sixth position
- at 15km
He Xianghong (1:01:19) returns to the leading position with the third fraction covered in 20:22.
Andrea Cosi and Wang Kaihua follow in 1:01:20 both with the third fraction covered in 20:33. Marc Tur is in fourth position in 1:01:34 followed by Alvaro Lopez Nunez (1:2:52) and by Zhaxi Yangben (1:07:10) in turn followed by Giulio Scoli (1:07:20).
Marc Turis charged by two red cards (one for contact and one for bent knee)
- last 5km
Immediately after 15km Andrea Cosi tries to go away and passes in the lead at 16km and 17km with a margin of 2 seconds over He Xianghong who in turn has another 2 seconds ahead of Wang Kaihua.
Andrea Cosi is caught up by He Xianghong just before the 18km that the two pass together in 1:13:34. Behind them Wang Kaihua in 1:13:37.
Shortly before 18km Mar Tur receive the 3rd red card for contac and he was stopped for 120 seconds in the penalit area.
He Xianghong forces the pace and at the bell he has a slight advantage over Andrea Cosi. The two pass in 1:17:36 and 1:17:38. Wang Kaihua is another 6 seconds behind in 1:17:44.
In the last lap He Xianghong maintains the slight advantage over the other two. Wang Kaihua is not there to finish third and on the finish line he passes into second position.
However for Andrea Cosi a beautiful and exciting test also because he signs the new personal best in 1:21:39 improving by 20 seconds the previous one obtained in La Coruna on 28.5.2022. Well done !
Order of arrival
1.- He Xianghong (CHN) in 1:21:36
2.- Wang Kaihua (CHN) in 1:21:39
3.- Andrea Cosi (ITA) in 1:21:39
4.- Marc Tur Pico (ESP) in 1:24:36
5.- Alvaro Lopez Nunez (ESP) in 1:24:45
6.- Zhaxi Yangben (CHN) in 1:29:11
7.- Francesco Benvenuto (ITA) in 1:29:35
8.- Giulio Scoli (ITA) in 1:29:41
Below the updated world list of best 10 performances in men
  Mark Competitor Nat Venue Date
1:20:40 Yutaro MURAYAMA JPNJPN Tokyo (JPN) 01 JAN 2023
1:21:36 Xianghong HE CHNCHN Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
1:21:39 Andrea COSI ITAITA Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
1:21:39 Kaihua WANG CHNCHN Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
1:21:52 Andres Eduardo OLIVAS NÚÑEZ MEXMEX Santee, CA (USA) 15 JAN 2023
1:22:18 Subaru ISHIDA JPNJPN Tokyo (JPN) 01 JAN 2023
1:22:50 Kazuya IWAI JPNJPN Tokyo (JPN) 01 JAN 2023
1:24:24 Hayato YANAGIHARA JPNJPN Tokyo (JPN) 01 JAN 2023
1:24:36 Marc TUR ESPESP Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
10  1:24:45 Álvaro LÓPEZ ESPESP Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
U20 events
20km men
Victory to Cristian Serra (ITA) in 1:34:20
Second place to Andrea Di Carlo (ITA) in 1:35:19
Third place to Ivan Ragozzino (ITA) in 1:35:39
15km women
Victory to Sofia Fiorini (ITA) in 1:14:25
Second place to Giulia Gabriele (ITA) in 1:14:46
Third place to Giada Traina (ITA) in 1:15:53
U18 events
10km men
Victory to Giuseppe Disabato (ITA) in 45:15
Second place to Omar Moretti (ITA) in 47:55
Third place to Tommaso Nocchi (ITA) in 49:24
10km women
Victory to Serena Di Fabio (ITA) in 51:06
Second place to Elisa Marini (ITA) in 51:39
Third place to Lucrezia Nieri (ITA) in 51:46