29/01/2023   Milazzo (ITA): Cui Lihong and Li Maocuo wins the 35km-Italian title to Riccardo Orsoni and Sara Vitiello


Riccardo Orsoni and Sara Vitiello are the first Italian champions of 2023. This is the verdict of the Italian National Championships of the 35 km walk, which took place this morning on the streets of Milazzo (Messina). For both this is the first Italian title in their careers.
On the city course of Milazzo, Orsoni's race behavior was excellent up to the twenty-eighth kilometre, in tandem with the Chinese Cui Lihong who obviously didn't compete for the Italian title but who finished the race in first place in 2:29:58. Unfortunately, a drop in the final seven kilometers does not allow the athlete trained by Alessandro Gandellini to approach the standard for the Budapest World Championships set at 2:29:40
In the women's race, an exciting race for Sara Vitiello, who with a 5km masterpiece (from 15km to 20km) covered in 23:41 with a best partial also by the winner Li Maocuo (23:51) faces the international limelight.
Li Maocuo and Sara Vitiello today sign the first two performances in the world in the 2023 season over this distance.



The reports 



35km men


- 5km


two Italians (Riccardo Orsoni and Michele Antonelli) together with one Chinese (Cui Lihong) lead the race: their split is 22:01.

In fourth position is Gabriele Gamba detached by 9 seconds.


- from 5km to 10km


After 6km Riccardo Orsoni and Cui Lihong forces the pace and gain some meter to Antonelli

At 10km splits are as follows:

1.- Cui Lihong: 43:53 (second 5km in 21:52)

2.- Riccardo Orsoni: 43:53 (second 5km in 21:52)

3.- Michele Antonelli: 44:15 (second 5km in 22:14)

4.- Gabriele Gamba: 44:25 (second 5km in 22:15)


- from 10km to 15km


Riccardo Orsoni and Cui Lihong increase again the pace and pass shoulder to shoulder in 1:05:25 (third 5km in 21:32)

Third is Michele Antonelli (one red cards against for lifting) in 1:06:15  (third 5km in 22:00)

Fourth Michele Gamba in 1:06:20  (third 5km in 21:55)


- from 15km to 20km


The two leaders pass together in 1:27:05 (fourth 5km in 21:40)

Michele Antonelli is third in 1:28:13 (fourth 5km in 21:58)

Gabriele Gamba in fourth in 1:28:44 (fourth 5km in 22:24)




- from 20km to 25km


The leading situation don’t change

1.- Cui Lihong: 1:48:39 (fifth 5km in 21:34)

2.- Riccardo Orsoni: 1:48:39 (fifth 5km in 21:34)

3.- Michele Antonelli: 1:50:35 (fifth 5km in 22:22)

4.- Gabriele Gamba: 1:51:55 (fifth 5km in 23:11)


- from 25km to 30km


Shortly after 25km Cui Lihong force again the pace and goes to lead alone

1.- Cui Lihong: 2:09:24 (sixth 5km in 20:45)

2.- Riccardo Orsoni: 2:10:25 (sixth 5km in 21:46)

3.- Michele Antonelli: 2:16:07 (sixth 5km in 25:32) after a stop in penalty zone (three red cards: 1 for contact and 2 for bent knee)

4.- Gabriele Gamba: 2:16:12 (sixth 5km in 24:17)


- last 5km


The advantage of Cui Lihong increase. 

At 32km Orsoni is detached by 1:49; at 33km the advantage of Cui Lihong is 2:02; at the bell is 22:33


Order of arrival:


1.- Cui Lihong: 2:29:58 (last 5km in 20:34) new personal best (broken the previous of 2:34:30 established in Dudince, SVK on 22.45.2022, by 4:32

2.- Riccardo Orsoni: 2:33:06 (last 5km in 22:41) new personal best also (broken the previous of 2:34:42 established in Pescara, ITA on 16.1.2022, by 1:56

3.- Michele Antonelli: 2:40:42 (last 5km in 24:35) 

4.- Gabriele Gamba: 2:43:16 (last 5km in 27:04)



Below the updated world list of 35km women updated (best 10 athletes)



  Mark Competitor Nat Venue Date
2:29:58 Lihong CUI CHNCHN Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
2:33:06 Riccardo ORSONI ITAITA Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
2:36:32 João VIEIRA PORPOR Porto de Mos (POR) 15 JAN 2023
2:38:54 Bernardo Uriel BARRONDO GUAGUA Ciudad de Guatemala (GUA) 22 JAN 2023
2:40:42 Michele ANTONELLI ITAITA Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
2:43:16 Gabriele GAMBA ITAITA Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
2:44:16 Nick CHRISTIE USAUSA Santee, CA (USA) 15 JAN 2023
2:47:48 Dan NEHNEVAJ USAUSA Santee, CA (USA) 15 JAN 2023
2:50:06 John Cody RISCH USAUSA Santee, CA (USA) 15 JAN 2023
10  2:52:59 Jefferson SEGURA MEXMEX Ciudad de Guatemala (GUA) 22 JAN 2023




35km women




Li Maocuo (CHN) lead the race in 24:28

Second position to Federica Curiazzi (24:44) in front of Nicole Colombi (24:45) and Lidia Barcella (24:51)


from 5km to 10km


At 10km splits are as follows:

1.- Li Maocuo: 48:37 (second 5km in 24:05)

2.- Nicole Colombi: 49:35 (second 5km in 24:50)

3.- Federica Curiazzi:49:36 (second 5km in 24:52)

4.- Lidia Barcella: 49:46 (second 5km in 24:45)


from 10km to 15km


Li Maocuo leads in 1:12:33 (third 5km in 23:56). Behind the leaders thare are Nicole Colombi and Federica Curiazzi in 1:14:21 (third 5km in 24:46). Lidia Barcella is in fouth position in 1:14:32.
In fifth place is Sara Vitiello in 1:15:07


from 15km to 20km


Behind the leader, Li Maocuo in 1:36:14 (fourth 5km in 23:51) the positions are totally changed.

In second position now is Sara Vitiello  in 1:38:58 (fourth 5km in 23:41). 

In thir position is Nicole Colombi with the same time (fourth 5km in 24:37) in front of Federica Curiazzi (1:39:01) and Lidia Barcella (1:39:28).

Nicole Colombi suffer one red card for bent knee.


from 20km to 25km


The passage to 30km is:

1.- Li Maocuo in 1:59:49 (fifth 5km in 23:35)

2.- Sara Vitiello in 2:03:46 (fifth 5km in 24:48)

3.- Lidia Barcella in 2:04:01 (fifth 5km in 25:03)

4.- Federica Curiazzi in 2:04:34 (fifth 5km in 25:33)

6.- Nicole Colombi in 2:04:55 (fifth 5km in 25:57)

Nicole Colombi suffer two red card (1 for bent knee and 1 for contact) while Liidia Barcella suffer one red card for contact.


from 25km to 30km


The passage to 30km is:

1.- Li Maocuo in 2:23:28 (sixth 5km in 23:38)

2.- Sara Vitiello in 2:28:45 (fifth 5km in 24:59)

3.- Lidia Barcella in 2:29:01 (fifth 5km in 25:00)

4.- Federica Curiazzi in 2:31:10 (fifth 5km in 26:36)

Nicole Colombi gave up after 27km 


last 5km


The advantage of Li Maocuo increase. The last 5km are covered in 23:10.
But the surprise of today is Sara Vitiello who covers last 5km in 25:21.


Order of arrival:


1.- Li Maocuo in 2:48:38 

With this mark she obtain the best world performance of the season in 35km (previous mark, 2:55:26 obtained by Ines Henriques in Jan.15, 2023 in Porto de Mos, POR)

2.- Sara Vitiello in 2:54:06.

Incredible mark of the young athlete of Italy (born on 6.8.1996). Personal best broken by 6:02 (previos one of 3:00:12 obtained last year, Jan. 16 2022, in Pescara). Moreover today she has the second best world performance behind Li Maocuo.

3.- Lidia Barcella in 2:54:55. 

4.- Federica Curiazzi in 2:58:09



Below the updated world list of 35km women updated (best 10 athletes)



  Mark Competitor Nat Venue Date
2:46:38 Maocuo LI CHNCHN Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
2:54:06 Sara VITIELLO ITAITA Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
2:54:55 Lidia BARCELLA ITAITA Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
2:55:26 Inês HENRIQUES PORPOR Porto de Mos (POR) 15 JAN 2023
2:57:22 Miranda MELVILLE USAUSA Santee, CA (USA) 15 JAN 2023
2:58:09 Federica CURIAZZI ITAITA Milazzo (ITA) 29 JAN 2023
2:58:39 Maria MICHTA-COFFEY USAUSA Santee, CA (USA) 15 JAN 2023
3:00:05 Stephanie CASEY USAUSA Santee, CA (USA) 15 JAN 2023
3:00:29 Vitória OLIVEIRA PORPOR Porto de Mos (POR) 15 JAN 2023
10  3:04:03 María Fernanda PEINADO GUAGUA Ciudad de Guatemala (GUA) 22 JAN 2023




Official results