26/07/2020   Doping: Thursday 30 July the autobiography of Grigory Rodchenkov comes out



In the doping saga today we refer to the publication of a book “The Rodchenkov Affair” which will be released on Thursday 30 July 2020.

Ity is a series of extracts from the explosive new autobiography of former Moscow lab boss-turned-whistleblower Grigory Rodchenkov appeared in London's Mail Online on Sunday.
Amongst other things, he talks of the veritable epidemic of EPO usage in Russian racewalking under the now-disgraced coach Viktor Chegin.
Rodchenkov reports how an IAAF doping control officer managed to obtain urine samples from Russian racewalkers Olga Kaniskina and Valery Borchin, just a week before the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. But a Russian secret service agent managed to confiscate the samples at the border and charges were never pressed.
Kaniskina and Borchin subsequently won Olympic gold medals in China, and although many of their later achievements were expunged from the records for cheating, they officially remain Olympic champions from 2008.
What is true in these revelations we leave it to the curiosity of our readers, perhaps by reading the book.
(fcover photo by Emily Berl - The New York Times)