27/11/2015   Sandro Damilano: Wang Zhen and Zhang Lin season 2015

We continue with the publication of the proceedings of the Conference in Beijing in which, at the presence of 100 athletics coaches (not only or race walking) , was presented the season 2015 of the team coached by Sandro Damilano. 
To simplify the lecture we have extrapolated from the presentation the part relating to Liu Hong, and included only the part of Wang Zhen and Zhang Lin.
The first general part of the presentation is common to that of Liu Hong.
The PDF file can be viewed in the Trainings and Interviews.
The duplication is prohibited without the reference to the source and the name of the author.





Ten considerations on the training presentations:



1) All data and trainings are real. The three examples given concern

- an athlete of 20 km. male;

- an athlete of 20 km. female

- an athlete of 50 km.

In any case, the program of the others, starting from the same idea methodological, does not differ by much.


2) The choice of race pace (100%) occurred:

- Liu Hong and Wang Zhen, based on the average of the five best performances obtained (is clear that from now after the world record of Liu Hong her pace will drop to around 4:15/km.).

- Zhang Lin: the pace was selected based on the outlook that the boy, in full evolution, could have.


3) The amount of the annual and monthly km training is not very high. We must consider, in addition to injuries suffered (Liu Hong in February and Wang Zhen in January), the days lost to adapt to the time zone when coming in Italy and returning to China that have slowed the work for about 20-30 days. For this reason, in the 44 weeks of training the working days were about 250.

The average of kilometers. made in real workout days is still good even if possible to increase.


4) I think we can improve the work between 90%-95% and that between 95% and 100% of course taking into account the recovery and adaptation.

Consequently, it can decrease the work under 90% of race pace.


5) From the tables you will notice that the decisive months for achieving a good condition were April, May (before La Coruna) and July (altitude).


6) Some tables were taken from a work done in collaboration with the IAAF.


7) In general programming of early season over looking the race pace and as a result of other rhythms I always try to calculate the correct percentage of work in the various speed steps. In some cases this has been possible in other (for various reasons) no.


8) The use of the training treadmill with elastic started about five years ago on my intuition.


9) The work with Professor De Angelis on the method Super OP began at the London Olympics.


10) In each workout has always paid much attention on the technical execution of the movement trying to get a walk as economical as possible. This is  an indispensable condition to achieve great results. Obviously, given the technical difficulty of the walk joined a growing increase in speed was not always easy to associate both things.












Wang Zhen in Beijing 2015




Zhang Lin in Beijing 2015